Just a quick update for now during school hours, then I will post something bigger tomorrow or Monday with some other news from the week, plus continue uploading and labeling pictures...
Last night a couple came from the US Embassy in La Paz and held a workshop about learning English using music, and I was pleasantly surprised at how many of my students showed up and participated. We all had a great time singing along -- the SDSU Engineers Without Borders are here finishing up the water project (we have clean drinking water -- yay!) and they came too. It was a blast!! Songs included Country Roads by John Denver, Summertime by Billie Holliday, We Ain't Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister and Fireworks by Katy Perry. Students were given lyric sheets with some of the words missing, and we all sang the songs for them to figure out the missing words, then everyone joined in singing once they guessed the missing words. Students who answered questions in complete sentences got a chocolate!
This week my students will begin their project for the UAC's 20th Anniversary celebration coming up in early October. They are writing Six Word Memoirs (in English) about the UAC, themselves or Bolivia 20 years from now. Google Six Word Memoirs -- there are some very cool and interesting examples out there in Internet-land. This has really caught the students' imagination and I am very much looking forward to seeing what they come up with. I will post a link to the final version on our blog in October.
More later!
Here's the link to the pictures, I will continue uploading tomorrow.. http://s1358.photobucket.com/user/jsdcornforth/slideshow/Bolivia%202013