Sunday, December 15, 2013


Well, it is officially Summer Break here now. Some students are still making up homework and final exams, but for the most part, the campus is getting quiet. (Yeah!)
Some folks have requested more financial information about the students here at the UAC-CP. Tuition for students is set at 1500 b’s or $215 per semester while the actual cost to educate a student is around $1000 per semester. For the meal plan of 3 meals per day, students pay 160 b’s and the UAC-CP contributes 100 b’s for a total of 260 b‘s or around $37 per month, or around 1300 b’s or $187 per semester. These prices cover the basic needs, but do not include any extras like school supplies or bus fares to town or home. The bus fare to Coroico is 5 b’s each way. I will leave it to the Godly Play Instructor to remove the American dollar amounts to give a budding accountant the opportunity to practice math skills!
Students of the UAC-CP come from all walks of life. We have students from the big city of La Paz, to students born and raised right here in Carmen Pampa, and every size town in between. It is kind of fun watching the students interact from their various backgrounds. Watching the students from the city get their hands dirty, and the rural students getting dressed up for their presentation of the thesis project shows a transformation that can only come through education. I am just proud and humbled to be here assisting them in getting that education.
I would like to congratulate 4 people in my post today. First, I would like to send a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my grandson Diego! Sorry it couldn’t have been on your birthday! He is a whopping 7 years old as of yesterday!!! Second, our upstairs neighbor Gladys Rivera successfully defended her thesis this past week. She is officially an Agronomy Engineer now. Third and fourth, my oldest brother Fred Cornforth was recently married to his beautiful bride, Jill Middag Cornforth. Welcome to the family Jill, and CONGRATS to both of you!
Delaney has started her own blog (finally! :) )The web address for that blog is: Check it out and let her know what you think!
 I think I will end for now so I can try to upload this post. The Internet for the campus has been down since earlier yesterday, due to rain.  I will add some more tool prices from things that are useful and needed here later this week.
Remember to smile at someone, if for no other reason than to make them wonder what you are up too! Also, remember that we should be Christmas People throughout the year!
God’s Peace to each and every one of you!


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