Saturday, April 5, 2014

Home at last -- with pictures

Well, we made it home! Oddly, the traffic was very light this morning between Coroico and La Paz. We wondered if this was because the waiting traffic had all cleared the area last night when they first opened the blockades, and maybe people are hesitant to travel in between if they don’t have to right now. I know the niece of one of the miners works at a restaurant we have been patronizing all week, and she told us to get home quickly because they will be putting the blockades back up probably Monday. It was a beautiful day today, and the weather was clear all the way through from La Paz to Coroico, so I’ve included a couple of photos we took. The bike tour companies were finally running today, so the first shot here is of a few members of one of those.

Here’s a shot of the road, that’s Coroico way off in the distance.

And finally, no travel in this family is complete without some kind of adventure, so of course, since our trip from La Paz was completely uneventful, we had a flat tire on the way home to the UAC from Coroico. We had taken a cab because we had a bunch of stuff to carry and it was just easier. Silly us! The bus that we could have ridden passed us while we were waiting for the spare tire to come in another cab from Coroico.

But, fortunately, there were some really pretty rocks to look at, and pollywogs in the stream, and a waterfall, so it was a pleasant half-hour break.

Finally, when I downloaded these pictures from the card, I found the picture below. I apparently never posted it, and I apologize! It is of Jeff cooking Shrove Tuesday pancakes – he says he didn’t have an apron, so he wore a t-shirt from home instead.

Thanks again to all of you that have thought of us, prayed for us, and been there for us this week. We really appreciate it, and the ease of today’s journey home, after all the trials of this week, just shows that prayers are answered!

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