Saturday, November 2, 2013

Hello all!
Susan isn't feeling well, so I get to control this weeks post!
This past week was interesting. Halloween came and Susan and Delaney shared some of our traditions. First, they both dressed in costume. Susan went as a witch, tall black hat, broom, and thanks to Cookie, a black cat! Delaney went as a pirate. Everyone agreed with me that she should have had an eye patch, but she refused. I did get to tell my pirate joke. I enjoy telling it, so: What is a pirate's favorite letter? You might think it would be Arrrrrrrr, but it's the sea! Ok, all groans aside, the students really enjoyed the whole experience. They even got treats. Delaney made Banana bread, and they each got some. They listened to many halloweenish songs including Thriller, Monster Mash, the theme from Jaws, I put a spell on you, etc. A good time was had by all! Susan will post the pictures tomorrow night when we are in La Paz to pick up our visas! Yeah!!!

Delaney is doing well in school, and in working around the campus. She is in great demand from all of the kids for the library. I have had kids come up to me in Coroico to ask when the library will be open. Kids from other communities are aware that the library is open, and word is spreading. Delaney is even checking books out to children for their parents to read. Literacy is a beautiful thing!

Well enough for now, but know that each and every one of you is in our prayers, as we hope that we are in yours!

La paz,
