Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Imagine, if you will, the cost of doing business for 650 students. Providing for 50 students more wouldn't require much of an increase in supplies. Now imagine planning for 700 students, but losing funding of 50 scholarships, for a loss of $100,000. That is what happened to the UAC when Bolivian President Evo Morales, kicked USAID out of Bolivia earlier this year. USAID provided the funds to cover those 50 scholarships, plus funding for other projects including building dormitories, and other building projects, as well as the supplies to maintain those projects and buildings. The financial hardship spreads to other areas as well. Next semester, the English department has to cut their monthly contribution to the room and board of the 4 volunteer teachers to $25, down from $50. This may not seem like much, but for our family that is a week’s worth of groceries. When you depend on funds from donors for your survival, personally and institutionally, losing a major funding source like USAID is painful. Please pray that our two governments can find a way to get along. The people of Bolivia need places like the UAC to help themselves. It’s true what they say, that if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, but if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. (Unless you fish like Delaney… J)

On the bright side, the students are doing very well. Smiles and “Hola”s are always fruitful walking around campus. My plan to blend in hasn't gone too well. When you are my size, that doesn't happen! Bus drivers, cabbies, even the newspaper guy in Coroico wave and beep horns or shout “Buenos dias!” For this, and so many other things, I am thankful. Friends, family, brothers in arms, even friends I have yet to meet, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

From the 3 of us to everyone out there, Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!


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